Our mission is to encourage faith-based animal welfare by providing prayer, Biblical teaching, and other educational resources on animal-related issues. Our hope is to share the love of Jesus with animal welfare advocates, and to bridge the gap between animal welfare advocacy and the church.

Guest Posts
Tail-Wagging Change: Innovative Ways to Help Neglected Companion Animals
Abandoned and neglected companion animals are a growing concern worldwide, and their pligh …
Guest Posts
How to Give of Your Time to Help Animal Companions in Need
Many animals are in desperate need of loving care; one just needs to look at the many shel …
Eulogies/Animal Eulogies
In Loving Memory Of Smokey
As I write, I’m sitting on the sofa where our beloved cat, Smokey, would come and lay acro …
Current Events
Hunter Ran Down Wolf With Snowmobile, Tortured the Injured Animal at a Bar Before Killing Her
I was devastated to hear the news about a young female wolf who was tortured in Wyoming, U …